We're so excited about our new initiative, Tennessee Businesses for the Better (TNB4B)!
Tennessee Businesses for the Better are companies that have taken small steps to serve a big group of customers - Tennesseans with disabilities. In this new statewide recognition initiative by the Tennessee Disability Coalition, TNB4B applauds the work of these select businesses for their smart and inclusive approach to business. As over one million Tennesseans have some type of disability, it isn't just the right thing to do. It's the smart thing.
Learn more about Tennessee Businesses for the Better:
Tennessee Businesses for the Better Flyer.docx
Businesses Who Have Already Taken Steps Towards Inclusivity:
Interested in learning how supported employment services can help make your business more inclusive? Check out some of our member organizations that offer these services:
Apply to be featured in our Tennessee Businesses for the Better initiative:
If your business or company is already successful at embracing inclusivity, we’d like to interview you and showcase your business across the state. We will highlight your business either through a video or written feature and share it with our networks, including through our website and social media. If you are interested in being considered for this opportunity, please follow this link to apply.