REV UP: “Register, Educate, Vote, Use your Power!” 


What is Disability Voting Rights Week?


Disability Voting Rights Week (DVRW), September 9-13, 2024, is a nonpartisan movement hosted by the American Association of People with Disabilities' REV UP campaign. DVRW is about advocating for accessible futures, celebrating community, and building power. 


The disability community makes up an important voting bloc. Disabled voters are a part of every community. Yet, systemic barriers prevent many people with disabilities from accessing their right to vote. 

DVRW was created by grassroots disabled activists. DVRW is a cross-disability, cross-movement week of action. We invite all community members and allies to join us. 


DVRW includes: 

  • voter registration and education events
  • candidate forums on disability issues
  • digital organizing
  • engaging with elected officials
  • creative actions.


Why is Disability Voting Rights Week important?


People with disabilities are a large part of the population, and exist in every political party and demographic. The disability vote has the power to create a more inclusive and accessible democracy. Only 17.7 million of the over 38 million eligible voters with disabilities participated in the 2020 elections. If people with disabilities voted at the same rate as nondisabled voters, there would be about 2.0 million more voters.


In 2022, we saw  an increase in turnout of voters with disabilities, but the turnout rate was still lower than voters without disabilities. This turnout gap is in large part due to systemic barriers that keep people with disabilities from accessing their right to vote. Through DVRW, we can work to close the turnout gap and make a difference in our state, local, tribal, and national elections.


When most people think about voting, they think about voting for the president of the United States. Elections for president happen every four years and they are important! But, there are elections every year and we believe that ALL elections are important, which is why we recognize Disability Voting Rights Week every year. For example, an election for a local school board can affect how much money schools in your area get for things like art, music, sports, even books. Elections for state representatives can affect how certain programs like Medicaid and Medicare work. Even though Medicaid and Medicare have federal funding, state officials have power.


This year's DVRW will also highlight three key issue areas that impact our community:

  1. accessible housing and home and community based services;,
  2. economic justice; and
  3. democracy.


Disability Voting Rights Week Hashtags


Include these hashtags to help people find your post!


  • #DisabilityVote
  • #RevUp2024


Accessibility tip: Use “camel case” in hashtags. Camel case is when you capitalize every word. This makes hashtags easier to read and understand. So instead of, #disabilityvote, write #DisabilityVote. The D and V are capitalized because they are the first letter of the words.


Please also tag the American Association of People with Disabilities in your posts! You can also tag your other partners!


With much gratitude to Governor Bill Lee and Secretary of State Tre Hargett, please find attached a copy of the Proclamation by the Governor in observance of Disability Voting Rights Awareness Week, September 9-13, 2024 in Tennessee.

Use this the image above or the link to be redirected to the pdf and txt version of this proclamation: 

For the complete 2024 DVRW toolkit use this link: 

About REV UP

The REV UP Voting Campaign builds the power of the disability vote through a national network of coalitions and organizations.

REV UP’s mission is to build the power of the disability vote through increasing civic engagement in the disability community and improving the accessibility of elections. REV UP stands for “Register, Educate, Vote, Use your Power!” Learn about REV UP’s 2024 Goals.


Grassroots, Local Leaders

Although REV UP is a national movement, we believe change happens at the local level. We also believe in the power of grassroots organizing. REV UP has coalitions in twenty states and partners across the country. Meet our state coalitions.

To learn more about AAPD & REV UP follow this link: 



REVUP Tennessee

REVUP TN will serve as a bridge between the disability community and other organizations facilitating boots-on-the-ground civic engagement opportunities. The goal of REVUP TN is to share resources and aims to keep Tennesseans with disabilities engaged in the election process and knowledgeable about local civic engagement opportunities.

REVUP/AAPD and REVUP TN Community Guidelines PDF

If you have questions about REVUP TN, or need to get in contact with a REVUP TN partner, please email us at:  


Are you a proud voter?

Tennessee consistently ranks among the worst states for voter participation. Underrepresentation leads to values and priorities being ignored. Help us break the cycle! It all starts with ensuring you're registered to vote. Use the Proud Voter page to register to vote, check your voting status and much more at:


Resources to help your civic engagement: 

Inclusive Voting Events and Voting Rights:

Every vote counts, so let's make our voting events inclusive! Here are some tips to help you think through hosting people with and without disabilities at your event.

Download the PDF Version 

Download the Text-Only Version


Disability Etiquette Guide:

The Tennessee Disability Coalition's Disability Etiquette Guide is to help equip and empower everyone; whether you're a part of the disability community or not. Because the way we speak about, and to, people with disabilities matters. Download our Disability Etiquette Guide for Free:

Download the PDF Version

Download the Text-Only Version

Download the Large Print Version

Download the PDF Version in Spanish

Download the Text-Only Version in Spanish

*Braille copies are available upon request. 


Video to help your civic engagement: 


Upcoming Meetings:

Join us for our next meeting.



Stay Connected! 

Fill out the form below to stay engaged. 


REVUP TN Coalition Members


REVUP TN Coalition Members



CivicTN logo





Disability Rights Tennessee: 



TN Statewide Independent Living Council Logo

Tennessee Statewide Independent Living Council:  


TARP Center for Independent Living Logo

TARP Center for Independent Living: