Disability Rights
- ADA National Network
- American Association for Persons with Disabilities
- Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
- Department of Justice Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Disability Rights Tennessee
- Disability Rights Today
- National Disability Rights Network
- Olmstead Rights
- Supported Decision Making
- Tennessee Justice Center
- TN Department of Education, Special Education
- TN Early Intervention Services (Children through age 3)
- Wrightslaw - Special Education and Advocacy
Emergency/Disaster Recovery
Employment Resources
- Disability Rights Tennessee Employment Resources
- EEOC - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Employment First Task Force
- JAN - Job Accommodations Network
- Protection and Advocacy Program
- Social Security Administration Official Website
- Social Security’s Work Site
- Tennessee Works
- Ticket to Work: Beneficiary Information
- University of Tennessee Disability Employment Resources
- Vocational Rehabilitation
- American Academy of Pediatrics-Tennessee Chapter
- CoverKids Tennessee
- Family-to-Family Health Information Centers (F2Fs)
- Kaiser Family Foundation
- TennCare
- Tennessee Department of Health- For Families
- Children's Emergency Care Alliance
- Tennessee Health Care Campaign
- Fair Housing Accessibility First
- Department of Housing and Human Development- disability-related information
- Tennessee Fair Housing
- Tennessee Housing Development Agency
- United States Department of Housing and Urban Development- Fair Housing
- Visitability - An accessible housing concept
Mental Health
- Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Tennessee
- Mental Health America of the MidSouth
- TN Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
- TN Mental Health Consumers' Association
National Disability Organizations
- American Association of People with Disabilities
- Arc of the United States
- Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund
- National Alliance on Mental Illness
- National Council on Independent Living
- Accessible Van Resources
- Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights
- Easter Seals Project ACTION
- Federal Transit Administration
- Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT), the Office of Mobility and Accessible Transportation
Other Federal Government Resources
- FCC - Federal Communications Commission - Disability Rights
- IRS - Internal Revenue Service - Information for People with Disabilities
- IRS - Internal Revenue Service - Information for Businesses
- United States Access Board (Committed to Accessible Design)
- U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
Other Tennessee Government Resources
- ABLE TN Savings Program
- Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (DIDD)
- Kid Central TN