HOW TO MAKE YOUR ARTS SPACES MORE INCLUSIVE The arts are for everyone! So let’s make our arts spaces as inclusive as possible. Here are some tips to help you think through engaging people with and without disabilities in your arts community. These suggestions are a starting place, not a comprehensive list. The key to making an inclusive space is to ask the individuals in your community what they need. People have different needs, and they know what they are. So, if you can, ask people what they need to participate. People with disabilities are like everyone else. If you’re not sure how someone wants to be addressed or what kind of language to use just ask! Make sure physical spaces are accessible (e.g. accessible entrances, doors, ramps, clear pathways, etc.). When you talk to someone with a disability: be patient and speak directly to the person- not to their interpreter or anyone else who may be with them. People communicate in different ways, so try to use different forms of outreach to connect with people about events (e.g. email, social media, texting, phone calls, and even face-to-face). Have a quiet space available where people can go if they need to be alone with less stimulation. Have a plan and know who to contact for alternate formats when they are requested (e.g. Braille, large print, captions, audio description, etc.). You don’t have to be an expert on disability to make your spaces inclusive! Just be mindful and listen to what your community needs. For more information contact the Tennessee Disability Coalition at